Search for tag: "50 years of archaeology at sheffield"

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 4

John introduces the concept of cognitive archaeology and asks Colin what sort of information do cognitive archaeologists need to develop their thinking?

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From  James Pearson 0 likes 161 plays 0  

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 6

John and Colin discuss the huge problems of looting artefacts and how this places a huge threat to archaeological understanding and discovery.

From  James Pearson 0 likes 73 plays 0  

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 5

John and Colin discuss fieldwork - one of the greatest pleasure of archaeology, both in terms of the excitement of discovery and the fantastic opportunities to travel to interesting locations

From  James Pearson 0 likes 45 plays 0  

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 3

John poses concerns about the state of current archaeology - in terms of whether it succeeds in conveying its value to the wider world as being the one discipline that can understand the true depth…

From  James Pearson 0 likes 92 plays 0  

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 2

John and Colin discuss the post-processual movement in archaeology and its critique of the new Archaeology

From  James Pearson 0 likes 100 plays 0  

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 1

In this introductory discussion, Colin and John discuss the history and achievements of the New Archaeology

From  James Pearson 0 likes 163 plays 0