Search for tag: "mass"

8e1 Examples of gas laws 1

Here I go through a first example of the use of the gas laws. This is to work out the mass of gas in a system.

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 564 plays 0  

Anna Dutton Discovery session 21st June 2017 - trimmed audio source

Anna Dutton Discovery session 21st June 2017 - trimmed audio source A session to look at strategies for how we use our hub, and what the key stakeholders needs are

From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 90 plays 0  

In conversation with Professors Colin Renfrew and John Barrett part 4

John introduces the concept of cognitive archaeology and asks Colin what sort of information do cognitive archaeologists need to develop their thinking?

From  David McCallam 0 likes 153 plays 0