Search for tag: "telfest 2017"

Faculty Fortunes at TELFest

Faculty Fortunes investigates trends, and challenges misconceptions around use of technology. We put a team of students against staff to find out how well they know teaching tools. Supported by a…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 109 plays 0  

Teaching HTML to Level 1 Maths Students

In this collection of case studies colleagues explore ways they have developed digital skills and literacies of their students. Sam Marsh and Simon Willerton (Mathematics and Statistics) look at why…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Developing Digital Skills Case Studies: Creating Unique Learning Resources

In this collection of case studies colleagues explore ways they have developed digital skills and literacies of their students. Anthony Rossiter (Automatic Control and Systems Engineering) looks at…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 35 plays 0  

'Innovating Pedagogies' by Professor Mike Sharples

For the closing keynote at TELFest, we invite Professor Mike Sharples from the Open University to speak about his work on the annual Innovating Pedagogies report. Now in its 5th year the report…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 189 plays 0  

Digital Literacies in the iSchool - an exploration of TEL in on-campus and distance learning courses

In this case study, colleagues explore ways they have developed digital skills and literacies of their students. Sheila Webber and Pamela McKinney (Information School) will compare the use of TEL in…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Creating Content Practicals: Microsoft Sway

This practical session looks at using different tools and approaches for creating content in learning and teaching. James Pearson (Faculty of Arts & Humanities) demonstrates how Microsoft Sway…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 37 plays 0  

Creating Content Practicals: Making short video collections to support learning and research - Andy Tattersall

Andy Tattersall looks at making short video collections to support learning and research, showing that making quick, low-budget video and animation collections can be used to inform learners and…

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From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 63 plays 0  

Kaltura Launch - Graham McElearney et. al.

This session sees the launch of the Kaltura Digital Media Hub, a new platform that supports the increasing use of video across learning and teaching, research, public engagement and…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 37 plays 0  

A case study on how to enhance student and staff experience of feedback using Kaltura Media - Gareth Bramley and Kate Campbell-Pilling

In this case study, Gareth Bramley and Kate Campbell-Pilling show how both the student and staff feedback experience can be enhanced through the use of Kaltura Media, particularly through the use of…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 1 likes 133 plays 0  

Kaltura Pilot Feedback: Journalism Studies - Matt Robson and Hadrian Cawthorne

Matt Robson and Hadrian Cawthorne from Journalism Studies give their feedback on Kaltura Media, particularly on creating new media resources.

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 1 likes 66 plays 0  

Kaltura Pilot Feedback: Architecture - Aidan Hoggard

Aidan Hoggard from the Department of Architecture presents feedback from the Kaltura Media pilot, focusing on providing video feedback on student assignments.

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 80 plays 0  

Creating Interactive EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Materials - David Read

This practical session looks at using different tools and approaches for creating content in learning and teaching. David Read (English Language Teaching Centre) will look at a variety of tools,…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 90 plays 0