Search for tag: "tel case studies"

Developing Digital Skills Case Studies: Creating Unique Learning Resources

In this collection of case studies colleagues explore ways they have developed digital skills and literacies of their students. Anthony Rossiter (Automatic Control and Systems Engineering) looks at…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 35 plays 0  

Digital Literacies in the iSchool - an exploration of TEL in on-campus and distance learning courses

In this case study, colleagues explore ways they have developed digital skills and literacies of their students. Sheila Webber and Pamela McKinney (Information School) will compare the use of TEL in…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Case Study: Rhian Davies on using video in literature study

Dr Rhian Davies, of the Department of Hispanic Studies, speaks at the 2015 Winter TELFest on the use of video in her innovative Adaptations & Transformation module. In this, students are asked to…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 95 plays 0  

Case Study: Jeremy Craven on using tablet technology to teach maths

Dr Jeremy Craven, of the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, shows examples of his work using tablet technology to teach maths. Jeremy draws electronically with a stylus to write…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 58 plays 0  

Case Study: Gary Wood on Google Sites

Gary Wood, of University of Sheffield Enterprise, discusses work he undertook with students in a former role in the Department of Linguistics. Gary devised and launched the award-winning ‘All…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Case Study: Bob Johnston and Graham McElearney on mobile devices for fieldwork

Hear Dr Bob Johnston, of the Department of Archaeology, and Dr Graham McElearney, of CiCS, talk at the 2015 Winter TELFest on the development and use of mobile technology in fieldwork, including…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Case Study: Gary Wood on Google Sites

Gary Wood, of University of Sheffield Enterprise, speaks at the 2015 Winter TELFest of his use of Google Sites and other online tools in the creation of the student-led AllAboutLinguistics…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Case Study: Claire Beecroft on Turnitin audio feedback

Claire Beecroft, of the School of Health and Related Research, discusses using audio feedback in Turnitin, and its benefits for distance learners.

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 46 plays 0  

Case Study: Claire Beecroft on Go!Animate

Claire Beecroft, of the School of Health and Related Research, tells of her use of Go!Animate, a free online animation tool, to help medical students create role plays of patient interaction. She…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 9 plays 0  

ase Study: Alistair Warren on PebblePad

Prof Alistair Warren of the Faculty of Science speaks at the 2015 Winter TELFest on the use of PebblePad for reflection during a faculty-wide challenge, which saw 1,400 students undertaking group…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Case Study – Aidan Hoggard on Nearpod Case Studies, Mobile Learning

Aidan Hoggard, of the School of Architecture, here talks about his use of Nearpod in the classroom. Nearpod is an interactive tool that allows students to answer questions and give feedback alongside…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 31 plays 0  

Case Study: Tony Ryan and Debbie Turner on Turnitin

Dr Tony Ryan and Debbie Turner, of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, here discuss the School’s adoption of Turnitin for e-assessment, and the benefits gained for both staff and students.

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Case Study: Andrea Fox on using MOLE for distance learning

Andrea Fox, of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, gives details of how she has used MOLE for delivering online sessions of distance learners. Andrea has utilised a range of MOLE’s…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Case Study: Aidan Hoggard on screencasting

Here Aidan Hoggard of the School of Architecture describes his experiences using screencasts to enhance his students’ learning. Using Adobe Captivate, Aidan has created a range of videos that…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 50 plays 0