Search for tag: "social work"

MA Social Work information session

In the recording of a live session held for…

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 18 plays 0  

'Undergraduate study to postgraduate study at Sheffield' by Joe Shipman

Joe Shipman realised in his second year of BA…

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 70 plays 0  

E J Carroll

E J Carroll has been asked to join the Human…

+2 More
From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Sociology Applicant Day presentation November 2020

If you are interested any of our single honours…

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From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 112 plays 0  

MA Social Work

Joe Smeeton, Admissions Tutor for Social Work,…

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 59 plays 0  

Context, value and skills SCS6061

Introduction from module leader Jadwiga Leigh…

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 19 plays 0