Search for tag: "criminology"

Sociology Applicant Day presentation November 2020

If you are interested any of our single honours sociology programmes, watch this Applicant Day presentation from Dr Lorna Warren, who introduces you to the Department of Sociological Studies and the…

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 111 plays 0  

COVID-19 and Crime taster lecture

Dr Xavier L'Hoiry, Lecturer in Criminology and Social Policy, delivers a taster lecture on how crime has changed during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 353 plays 0  

Department of Sociological Studies Module Introductions

Sociological Studies academics give an insight into some of the modules you may expect to study throughout your time with us. Dr Julie Walsh provides an introduction to the level one module,…

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Introduction to Dr Layla Skinns

Dr Layla Skinns outlines her contribution to the free, open online course 'Crime, Justice and Society' from the University of Sheffield.

From  Online Learning 0 likes 39 plays 0  

Solving The Coastal Path Murders Using Forensic Evidence

Dr Angela Gallop, CBE, is an honorary graduate of The University of Sheffield and highly influential in the world of forensic Science. In this interview, Dr Gallop tells us the story of how she took…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 194 plays 0  

Jogging with Jody

One of the ways that the criminal justice system has been found to be most effective in helping people to stop offending is through mentoring. ‘Jogging with Jody’ is a short documentary…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 131 plays 0  

Making Space for Desistance

Although the term desistance implies leaving something behind, research has shown that desistance from crime is actually about moving towards something; about becoming something else. The criminal…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 101 plays 0  

Female Desistance: Interview with Carlotta Allum-Goulden

Carlotta was arrested and imprisoned in the United States of America. She now works with offenders and ex-offenders to change their lives through art and cultural interventions. In this video,…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 197 plays 0  

Dr Andreas Aresti: The Factors Involved in My Desistance

In this video, Dr Andreas Aresti draws on his own experience of leaving prison to explain how desistance from crime is a complex process made up of many different factors.

From  Online Learning 0 likes 456 plays 0  

How Does This Differ for White Collar Offenders?

A ‘white-collar crime’ is typically a financially motivated, nonviolent crime committed by business or government professionals, such as bribery, fraud and embezzlement. White collar…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 100 plays 0  

Probation and Desistance

Research into how and why people stop offending is beginning to shed light on the process of desistance from crime, particularly the role of supervision in facilitating this process. Between 1997…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 223 plays 0  

Electronic Monitoring as Incapacitation

Proponents of EM also claim that this technology helps to achieve another important penal objection, that of incapacitation; the prevention of crime. This is particularly important where EM has been…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 83 plays 0  

Community Service: Interview with John Harding

Community Service by offenders, now called unpaid work, was an international first for England & Wales and was imitated by countries around the world. John Harding was the first senior…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 66 plays 0  

Electronic Monitoring as Punishment and Rehabilitation

We have seen how electronic monitoring is put to different uses in various jurisdictions around Europe, but why might it be used in these sorts of ways, and how well suited it is to these purposes?…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 65 plays 0  

What is Good Quality Supervision?

In this video, Dr Gwen Robinson is joined by Professor Joanna Shapland to discuss what ‘good quality’ one-to-one supervision might look like, according to both supervisors and…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 329 plays 0  

Outcomes and Effectiveness: An Interview with Nigel Hosking

In this video, we’ll talk to Nigel Hosking, a Senior Probation Officer for the London Community Rehabilitation Company, about his experience of offender supervision and how it works in…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 41 plays 0