Search for tag: "health research"

New Roles in Mental Health: Tackling lived experience priorities

Samantha Holmes​ is Head of Co Production & Involvement at Rethink Mental Illness. Sam expresses the importance of understanding how to make new roles in mental health services work in the…

From  Emily Wood 0 likes 3 plays 0  

New Roles in Mental Health: Why we need this Research

Rebecca Burgess-Dawson is the National Clinical Lead (Mental Health) for NHS England, Workforce, Training & Education, she explains why the New Roles in Mental Health Research Project led by the…

From  Emily Wood 0 likes 4 plays 0  

New Roles in Mental Health: Being mindful of legal implications

Stephen Jones is the UK Professional Lead for Mental Health at the Royal College of Nursing (RCN). Stephen explains how broad the scope is for the New Roles in Mental Health Research Project (led by…

From  Emily Wood 0 likes 2 plays 0  

New Roles in Mental Health: How this research will help in practice

Tim Kendall explains more about why understanding how to implement new roles in practice in mental health services will support better delivery of care and new policies, discussing in particular the…

From  Emily Wood 0 likes 2 plays 0  

New Roles in Mental Health: What’s the impact on everybody else?

Tim Kendall highlights why it is important to understand how implementing new roles in mental health services impacts on others working in the system. Demonstrating why the New Roles in Mental Health…

From  Emily Wood 0 likes 7 plays 0  

SCHARR Mini Master Class in Health Research - Dr Lesley Uttley - The Problems with Systematic Reviews: a Living Initiative for Research Integrity

Title: The Problems with Systematic Reviews: a Living Initiative for Research Integrity Subtitle: How Research Culture is Likely Contributing to Research Waste: Lessons from…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 10 plays 0  

Changing alcohol serving size to reduce drinking - Dr Inge Kersbergen

Alcohol-related health and social problems place a major strain on the NHS and social services. Some of the most effective interventions to reduce alcohol consumption are those that do not require…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 4 plays 0  

Professor Fiona Lecky - Improving Trauma Care through Research – what are the best strategies?

Improving Trauma Care through Research – what are the best strategies? AbstractInjury – an alteration of body function or other evidence of pathology – occurring as a result of an…

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From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 7 plays 0  

A walk in the PaRC? - Learning from the development of a regional public health Practice and Research Collaborative - Professor Liddy Goyder

AbstractThe ultimate aim of all public health research is to improve population health and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities and this is arguably most effectively achieved by ensuring that…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 18 plays 0  

Efficient adaptive trial designs: what are they, what to consider when using them, and how to improve their uptake to transform patient care - Dr Munya Dimairo

ScHARR Mini Master Class in Health Research #29 Efficient adaptive trial designs: what are they, what to consider when using them, and how to improve their uptake to transform patient care - Dr Munya…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 17 plays 0  

How can I involve patients and the public in literature reviews and why would I want to? - Dr Susan Baxter

AbstractPatient and public involvement (PPI) is now widely accepted to be a standard requirement in health and social care research. While guidance on involvement in primary studies is available from…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 37 plays 0  

ScHARR Mini Master Class in Health Research - Michelle Black - 'Best Start in Life', then what?

Abstract: During her talk Michelle will share findings from her research which explores the relationship between development in school age children and subsequent weight and mental health in…

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From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 20 plays 0  

ScHARR Mini Master Class in Health Research - Professor Steve Goodacre - Clinical Risk Prediction: What are we predicting and why

Clinical Risk Prediction: What are we predicting and whyClinical risk scores and tools are often used in emergency medicine to predict the risk of adverse outcome and guide decision-making. This…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 54 plays 0  

Dr Steven Ariss - Proactive and Reactive Approaches to Reducing Risk - ScHARR Mini Master Class in Health Research

There is no shortage of guidance for designing and delivering evaluations. However, the published literature of empirical studies demonstrates that pre-emptive measures do not always prevent common…

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From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 8 plays 0  

Dr Kate Ren - Evidence synthesis with limited studies: using external information to help estimating the between-study heterogeneity

Abstract In evidence synthesis using meta-analysis or network meta-analysis, researchers commonly encounter between-study heterogeneity, which may arise from the differences in the conduct of the…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 26 plays 0  

Professor John Holmes - Alcohol and pricing: Beyond modelling to evaluation and duty reform

Professor John HolmesDirector of the Sheffield Alcohol Research Group and Lead Director of the Wellcome Doctoral Training Centre in Public Health Economics and Decision ScienceAbstractAlcohol remains…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 60 plays 0