Search for tag: "mobile university"

What is the Mobile University?

Professor Vanessa Toulmin, Director of City &…

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“Je ne comprends pas”, but I can still speak to you

Wai Man Ng, Computer Science. Up until now, we…

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10 Fantastic Ways to Use Leftover Tonsils: Including a Recipe for Our Perfect Cell Culture Dish

Vanessa Hearnden, Materials Science &…

From  batchUser 1 likes 26 plays 0  

“You’ve Been Reading Too Many Idiotic Trashy Books!”: Why Read Harlequin Mills & Boon Romances?

Val Derbyshire, School of English. Harlequin…

From  Lizzie (Elizabeth) Brooks 0 likes 29 plays 0  

Life on the Edge: Microbes of the Stratosphere

Tareq L S Omairi, Molecular Biology and…

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Citizen Science, Crowdsourcing and the Internet of Things: towards a healthier, cleaner and safer city

Stuart Wrigley, Computer Science. This research…

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Improving Life for Kids with ADHD

Philippa Fibert, School of Health and Related…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Discover the Secret Life of a Weather Datum

Paula Goodale, Information School. Let us take…

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Cyber War: The Future of Conflict in the 21st Century

Matt Sleat, Politics. The use of cyber-weapons…

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Asylum, Welfare and Work in the Age of Austerity

Lucy Mayblin, Politics. It is illegal for asylum…

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Mindfulness at Work: Could it Work for You?

Leanne Ingram, Management School. What is…

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Rediscovering Noël Coward’s Musicals: A Forgotten Talent

Laura Milburn, Music Department. When we think of…

From  Lizzie (Elizabeth) Brooks 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Sperm, Germs & Babies: How do Common Infections Affect Male Fertility and Reproductive Potential?

Katrina Williams, Human Metabolism. One in seven…

From  batchUser 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Insect-Based Foods in Europe: Will They Ever Catch On?

Jonas House, Geography. In 2013 the United…

From  batchUser 0 likes 5 plays 0  

What is Big Data and Why Should We Care?

Gianluca Demartini, Information School. Ever…

From  batchUser 0 likes 16 plays 0  

Mind Reading and Neuroscience: How Modern Day Mind Reading Helps us Fight Disease

Gaia Brezzo, Psychology. Get introduced to the…

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