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Exam Technique
From Oliver Johnson November 12, 2018
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From Malcolm Roberts February 25, 2020 |
Study Skills Hack created by 301 Academic Skills Centre.
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- At the start of the exam spend time reading the paper before you pick up a pen.
- Work out which questions you will do and the order you will do them in.
- Plan your time and stick to this - you don’t want to overrun on a question and end up missing another.
- Write down memorised facts or points on the first sheet in bullet points - you can cross these out as you go through.
- Re-read each question before starting.
- Move on if you get stuck.
- If you’re running out of time do the first sections of questions, write bullet points and come to a conclusion.
- Never leave an exam early - they are at a set length for a reason.
- What examiners like to see - correct use of key words/phrases and in the correct format, focusing on the set question, discussing critically not descriptively, neat presentation.
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