The use of computer-based exams (CBE) is becoming increasingly popular in Higher Education. Research has shown that grades achieved in computer-based exams are comparable or better than paper-based exams (Nardi and Ranieri 2018; Boeve et al 2015; Cagiltay and Ozalp-Yaman 2013; Piaw, 2012). However, Boeve et al (2015) emphasised the importance of students undergoing training to become confident in this new assessment method.
The use of real time remote online exams, which is particularly suited for distance learning students, have not been performed at The University of Sheffield until now. This session will present the successful implementation of the first real time remote online exam, which was performed by distance learning MMedSci Vision and Strabismus students undertaking a new module in Exemptions. The exam was performed using the Blackboard tests tool, a webcam and Respondus LockDown browser, which facilitates invigilation of exams in a distance learning setting.
The preparation, involvement of the Student Examinations Team, Digital Learning Team and the student training we undertook will be described. The Respondus LockDown software and examination method will be demonstrated.
Students underwent two online mock exam sessions prior to the exam. No technical difficulties were experienced during the training sessions, the exam and resit exam.
We captured feedback from the students to evaluate the appropriateness of the technique and explore how they found the experience. 100% responded they had been given sufficient technical training and found the mock exams helpful. All but one found the Respondus LockDown software easy to download. They all agreed that answering the 30 multiple choice questions was achievable within the 1 hour exam. They liked the flexibility being able to sit the exam within the 24 hour period offered. Overall the student feedback was very positive and their responses will be shown in this session.
Our experience is that students benefited from the training and mock exam trial to be confident at performing the online exam remotely. The exam trial was also useful for academic staff and the digital team to identify any potential technical errors for the real exam. The implementation of this new examination method was very successful and appreciated by distance learning students. The next remote online exam for MMedSci Vision and Strabismus students will take place in June 2019.