Search for tag: "power"

The tale of Chaga's avocados

Jonas Cromwell's story reflects on the interesting nature of how avocados became food in the northern highlands of Tanzania, Kilimanjaro region - what was once regarded as butter for dogs has…

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From  Judith Krauss 0 likes 36 plays 0  

The Problem with Solar Power

If we want solar power in the future, we need to tackle some of its key challenges - and here's how we're doing that with PV Live at the University of Sheffield. MSc Solar Cell Technology:…

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From  Faculty Of Science 0 likes 18 plays 0  

MEC 333- Couplings

in this video different types of couplings are explained with their potential applications

From  Hassan Ghadbeigi 0 likes 854 plays 0  

Introduction to Fluid Power

Here is the introduction to fluid power. I talk a bit about the subject and give some examples of its use.

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,504 plays 0  

Rt Hon Lord Blunkett: The 12th Roberts Lecture - Power lies with the powerful - or has social media allowed social movements to defy gravity? Thursday 12 October 2017.

The University was to delighted to welcome alumnus and Honorary Graduate the Rt Hon Lord Blunkett to deliver the 12th Roberts Lecture on Thursday 12 October 2017 in Firth Hall.In his lecture, Lord…

From  Chris Clow 0 likes 99 plays 0  

The power of digital artefacts

Digtially shareable artefacts are one of the key outputs of ThinkCreate. Although quite different to the normal university essay or presentation, they are still extraordinary powerful, and foster…

From  Niamh Robinson 0 likes 21 plays 0