Search for tag: "medical school"

University of Sheffield Medical School Virtual Graduation Ceremony

University of Sheffield Medical School Virtual Graduation Ceremony

From  Jonathon Hooton 0 likes 3,144 plays 0  

University of Sheffield Medical School Virtual Graduation Ceremony

University of Sheffield Medical School Virtual Graduation Ceremony

From  Jonathon Hooton 0 likes 0  

Open day 360° Tour of The Medical School

One of our medical students, Zahra, takes us on a 360° tour of the Open Day held in the medical school.

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From  Jennifer Hughes 0 likes 2,198 plays 0  

Medical Careers advice: combatting accessibility challenges

The University of Sheffield Medical School has over 1250 medical students registered on the MBChB medicine degree with many of the students in the later years undertaking their clinical placements…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 27 plays 0  

Professor Chris Whitty: The 20th Sir Arthur Hall Memorial Lecture. What will the NHS be facing on its 90th birthday? Thurday 15 February 2018.

We were delighted to welcome Professor Chris Whitty, Chief Scientific Adviser at the Department of Health, to the University on Thursday 15 February to deliver the 20th Sir Arthur Hall Memorial…

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From  Chris Clow 0 likes 337 plays 0  

MSc(Res) Translational Oncology, University of Sheffield

An introduction to the MSc(Res) in Translational Oncology, here at the University of Sheffield, by the course director, Dr Carolyn Staton, and students on the course. For more details about the…

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From  Carolyn Staton 0 likes 383 plays 0  

Simple Randomization

This video introduces the concept of randomization of treatments to patients using playing cards. It describes simple randomisation, which is the purest form of randomization

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From  batchUser 0 likes 720 plays 0  

Randomization in Cluster Trials

This video looks at randomization when the patients are grouped into clusters. Since the clusters tend to be relatively few, getting balance is generally more important than with simple randomization.

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From  batchUser 0 likes 289 plays 0  


This video looks at a different form of randomization, minimization. This method can be more efficient than stratification at ensuring balance in important predictive characteristics, but is not true…

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From  batchUser 0 likes 688 plays 0  

Introduction to Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials

This video introduces the three main concepts in Randomized Trials, the ABC: Allocation at random, Blindness and Control

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From  batchUser 0 likes 98 plays 0  

Blocked and Straified Randomization

This video looks two methods of trying to get a better balance between two groups namely blocked randomization and stratified randomization. Blocked randomisation tries to ensure that approximately…

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From  batchUser 0 likes 1,667 plays 0