Search for tag: "funding"

Applying for your first research grant: Practical Advice for Post-PhD Funding (18/03/2024) WRDTP: SPEL

This session was organised by the SPEL pathway, but open to students in all pathways. The session included: A brief introduction to the research grant funding environment relevant to the CEL pathway.…

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From  Dawn Fletcher 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Fees and funding for undergraduates

A video (last updated 16.02.24) advising undergraduate students about fees and the funding available.

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From  Samuel Bowers 0 likes 1,011 plays 0  

Applying for your first research grant (29/06/2023) WRDTP: CEL

Held on 29th June 2023. Organised by the CEL pathway of the WRDTP. This session offers practical advice to PGR students on securing post-PhD funding.

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From  Dawn Fletcher 0 likes 11 plays 0  

Additional Funding Schemes

ESRC/WRDTP Additional Funding Schemes - Online Information Session

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From  Dawn Fletcher 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Myra Mufti - Recipient of Allan and Nesta Ferguson scholarship

Myra recieved the Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust Masters Scholarshp in September 2018 when she joined us to study MSc International Social Change and Policy.

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 116 plays 0  

Wen-Chen Chen- Recipient of CK Wong bursary

Wen-Chen recieved the CK Wong bursary in September 2018 when she joined us to study MSc International Social Change and Policy.

From  Jenny Scott 0 likes 65 plays 0  

Iwan Evans - STRI symposium 2015

Getting a fellowship.

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From  Keira Borrill 0 likes 3 plays 0  

Heather Mortiboys - STRI symposium 2015

Publication strategy - how to develop an independent funding track record.

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From  Keira Borrill 0 likes 34 plays 0  

Criticism in Science....

This video examines key issues in the way that science is critiqued, and looks at some of the reasons why scientists they not critique their own work as rigorously as they sometimes should......

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From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 12 plays 0  

Intellectual Property Development and Commercialisation (IPDaC) Fund

The University of Sheffield has launched the IPDaC fund, an extra £1million pounds every year to build up the commercial potential of academic work. This is managed by the Impact and IP Team…

From  Andrew Hogben 0 likes 210 plays 0  

Martin Wolf CBE: Uses and Abuses of Economics in the Debate on Universities. Wednesday 24 May 2017

The President and Vice-Chancellor’s Annual Guest Lecture by Martin Wolf, Chief Economics Commentator at the Financial Times Wednesday, 24 May 2017, 6.30pm, Lecture Theatre 1,…

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From  Chris Clow 0 likes 49 plays 0  

An Introduction to Clinical Trials

When undertaking a Health Technology Assessment at ScHARR, there will often be a need for at least one clinical trial to provide evidence of the effectiveness of a new treatment. In this video, we…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 57 plays 0  

How Does the Media Report on NICE Decisions?

In this video Allan Wailoo, Professor of Health Economics and Director of NICE Decision Support Unit and Mark Strong, Director of the Public Health Section at ScHARR, give their insights on how the…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 122 plays 0  

An Introduction to Economic Evaluation

Economic evaluation is fundamental to both HTA and to decision making in healthcare. In this video, Professor Simon Dixon explains what economic evaluation is (and what it isn’t) and how this…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 292 plays 0  

Reviews and Reviewers

In this video, expert reviewers based at ScHARR take us through the review process and what it contributes to HTA. We’ll hear from: - Chris Carroll, Reader in Health Technology Assessment -…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 447 plays 0  

The Role of Modelling

As a part of the economic evaluation, mathematical modelling can be used to give a broader picture of the longer-term benefits of a treatment. In this video, Professor Alan Brennan explains how…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 153 plays 0