The sixth episode of the convivial conservation podcast is all about the special section
'Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice' in the journal Conservation & Society, featuring eleven diverse contributions from a diversity of backgrounds, geographical and thematic foci.
In the first part, the guest editorial team Kate Massarella, Judith Krauss, Wilhelm Kiwango and Rob Fletcher reflect on how the special section came about (00:45) and introduce all eleven papers (02:00). They then reflect on the three key themes emerging from the contributions (11:20): justice (11:50), human-wildlife coexistence (14:45), and transformative methodologies (15:40).
In the second part of the podcast (17:00), Wilhelm Kiwango reflects on two contributions which he co-authored, firstly
'Why the convivial conservation vision needs complementing to be a viable alternative for the Global South' (17:30) with Mathew Bukhi Mabele, grounding their analysis in the Ruaha-Rungwa landscape (19:00). Wilhelm reflects on the challenges of path dependencies and increased protectionism, political interests and tourism (25:40), before ending with some reflections on a paper (Mathew Bukhi Mabele, Judith Krauss, Wilhelm Kiwango) which advocates
'Going back to the roots: Ubuntu and just conservation in southern Africa' (33:50).
In the seventh episode of the convivial conservation podcast, we hear from more special section authors: Revati Pandya, Hanna Pettersson, Valentina Fiasco and Kate Massarella.
The CONVIVA - convivial conservation research project is funded by NORFACE/Belmont Forum.
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