Search for tag: "convivial conservation"
A tale of wolves, dogs, people, and some stinky Spanish cheeseHanna Pettersson tells a story about the intricate challenge of sharing space with wolves, and why we should hail pragmatism in conservation. She gives examples of people, places and situations…
From Judith Krauss
50 plays
Convivial conservation podcast: Revati Pandya, Hanna Pettersson, Valentina Fiasco and Kate Massarella (July 2022)The seventh episode of the convivial conservation podcast is all about the special section 'Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice' in the journal Conservation &…
From Judith Krauss
26 plays
Convivial conservation podcast: Kate Massarella, Judith Krauss, Wilhelm Kiwango, Rob Fletcher (Episode 6, Conviva special section)The sixth episode of the convivial conservation podcast is all about the special section 'Exploring convivial conservation in theory and practice' in the journal Conservation & Society,…
From Judith Krauss
31 plays