Grace is in her second year of History and Politics at the University of Sheffield. She discusses her experience as a student so far, and plans for her upcoming year abroad in Berlin.…
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Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Features parts of 'Monte' by Mermonte (http://fatherfigurerecords.bandcamp.com/album/mermonte) licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0) via…
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Languages and Cultures
We caught up with Sovra on her year abroad in Japan to find out what she's been up to and her experiences so far.
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East Asian Studies
We caught up with some of our students on their year abroad in China to find out what they've been up to and how they've enjoyed their experience so far.
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East Asian Studies
Korean Studies students year abroad video
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East Asian Studies
East Asian Studies students on their year abroad experiences in China, Japan and Korea
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East Asian Studies
Joseph Lasham's videos from his year abroad in China
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East Asian Studies
Joseph Lasham's videos from his year abroad in China
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East Asian Studies
Joseph Lasham's videos from his year abroad in China
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East Asian Studies
An interview with Maya Singer Hobbs, an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry, about her time on the Chemistry with Study in America course.