This workshop is aimed at doctoral students who wish to develop methodological expertise in the use of walking methods for participatory research.The workshop will:Introduce students to walking…
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Faculty of Social Sciences
Motion Capture of the Can Can Dance
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Mechanical Engineering
From the course 'The Musculoskeletal System: The Science of Staying Alive Into Old Age' https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/musculoskeletal
Gait disturbances are a common medical problem in old age. After the age of 70, 35% of people have abnormal gait and after 85, gait changes are found in the majority of people. In this video, we…
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Oncology & Metabolism
Maintaining a healthy gait is an important part of ageing well, and our ability to measure and describe its characteristics can help us to better understand how to do this. Previously, we have seen…
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Oncology & Metabolism
Walking requires the coordination of many aspects of the musculoskeletal system in conjunction with other systems such as the neurological system. In this video, we join Professor Robin Crompton in…
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Oncology & Metabolism
Demystify the ageing process and how our everyday behaviours and choices are likely to affect our long-term musculoskeletal health in this free course from the Universities of Sheffield, Liverpool…
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Oncology & Metabolism