Speech Therapy and Communication in Young Adults - Professor Judy Clegg - Impact at the University of Sheffield
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Human Communication Sciences
Nursing and Midwifery
How to use the Time Selection tool to quickly remove mistakes from spoken audio, this works for a single track (like from the Rodecaster) or Multiple tracks (Podcast kits)
BMedSci Speech and Language Therapy Welcome Talk and Q&A webinar
Optional Metadata - Department
Faculty of Medicine Dentistry and Health
Overview of the
BMedSci (Speech and Language Therapy) and MMedSci (Speech and Language Therapy)
Optional Metadata - Department
Human Communication Sciences
Discover options for courses in Health and other Biosciences through the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health at the University of Sheffield.
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Faculty of Medicine Dentistry and Health
Clinical Dentistry
Human Communication Sciences
The Medical School
Nursing and Midwifery
Faculty of Science
Animal and Plant Sciences
Biomedical Science
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology