Search for tag: "sfee"

12d Second law examples: Compressor and Nozzle

Here I work through two examples of the effect of…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 969 plays 0  

10e Open system examples

Here I go through 2 examples of use of the SFEE…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 724 plays 0  

10d Open Systems and the SFEE

Here I derive the steady flow energy equation for…

+5 More
From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 849 plays 0  

12a Introduction to steady flow devices

Here we revisit the SFEE. THen there is an…

+1 More
From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,119 plays 0  

9b Four equations from one

Here I derive the four forms of the energy…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,412 plays 0