Search for tag: "sfee"

12d Second law examples: Compressor and Nozzle

Here I work through two examples of the effect of isentropic efficiency on devices. I use the nozzle and the compressor as examples. I show that you need to produce a system and a T-S diagram. THen…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 957 plays 0  

10e Open system examples

Here I go through 2 examples of use of the SFEE for ideal gases. The fiart on is a turbine and the second one is an isothermal compressor. I show how to solve tese and what they mean.

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 693 plays 0  

10d Open Systems and the SFEE

Here I derive the steady flow energy equation for thermal systems. I show how it can be used for calculating the work in an adiabatic process using the gas laws.

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 813 plays 0  

12a Introduction to steady flow devices

Here we revisit the SFEE. THen there is an introduction to the devices that we will be looking at on the rest of this section.

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,115 plays 0  

9b Four equations from one

Here I derive the four forms of the energy equation that we will use to solve different types of problem on this course. These are 1)For Closed Systems 2)For Steady Flow Thermal Systems 3)For…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,271 plays 0