This is a voice recording from a BBC Click programme to illustrate the basics of an elevator pitch.
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Faculty of Engineering
GTA Training for Group Project Marking
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Faculty of Engineering
Welcome to SEFY Intro Week - what's happening - Monday 20th Sept 10am Diamond LT1
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Faculty of Engineering
Example lecture capture at home by Peta Kirk - a simple relay H-bridge motor control
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Faculty of Engineering
Problems on digital IO
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Faculty of Engineering
week 9 problems class
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Faculty of Engineering
Lessons from the analogue signals (inc. PWM) lectures
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Faculty of Engineering
Lessons from this weeks lectures
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Faculty of Engineering
8.1 Simple Digital Signals
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Faculty of Engineering
Lecture support - Microcontroller - connecting to digital signals
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Faculty of Engineering
Problems Class for Microcontroller - basic operation and power supplies
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Faculty of Engineering
Wrap Up Electricity & Magnetism Unit
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Faculty of Engineering
Controlling water levels between 3 reservoirs
How to make an animatronic eye blink
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Faculty of Engineering
Negative feedback and system responses. Causes of error.
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Faculty of Engineering
System block diagrams of open and closed loop control applications
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Faculty of Engineering