Search for tag: "nobel prize"

Why should we trust science?

Join Nobel Prize winning alumnus Sir Richard Roberts for an insightful talk to get to the bottom of this most pertinent question. Sir Richard is one of the world’s most eminent biochemists and…

From  Development And Alumni Relation Office 0 likes 32 plays 0  

What's it like to meet a Nobel Prize winning chemist?

When former University of Sheffield lecturer (and 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry winner) Sir J. Fraser Stoddart came back to visit our Chemistry department he brought a wealth of experience with him -…

From  Robert Cooke 0 likes 9 plays 0  

Dr Richard Henderson: The Annual Krebs Lecture. Tuesday 24 April 2018.

The Annual Krebs Krebs Lecture The University welcomed 400 students, staff, alumni and members of the public to the Annual Krebs Lecture on Tuesday 24 April. The guest speaker for the…

From  Creative Media Email 0 likes 129 plays 0  

Sir Fraser Stoddart - Krebs Lecture 2017

In 2016, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to the former University of Sheffield Lecturer, Sir Fraser Stoddart.As part of the Sheffield Festival of Science and Engineering, Sir Fraser…

From  Tom Foster 0 likes 239 plays 0