Search for tag: "labyrinths"

Labyrinths of Sheffield III - Harp of the Labyrinths

Version info: labyrinth harp all sections version 4 no dither no norm 18th september 2018.wav

From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 86 plays 0  

Labyrinths of Sheffield II

Labyrinths of Sheffield Part II Pastoral breathing, featuring the birds of Stoke Woods Version info: labyrinth part 2 master no norm 44.1 16 bit no dither 14th september more air

From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 97 plays 0  

Labyrinths of Sheffield I

Labyrinths of Sheffield Part I A meditation on singing bowls 1 - Labyrinths_of_Sheffield_I_ no norm 44.1 16 bit no dithe 23rd septemberr.wav

From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 135 plays 0  

Labyrinths Part IV - in the mist

Labyrinths Part IV - in the mist Version info: labyrinth part 3 flutter delay master no norm 44.1 16 bit no dither 10th september

From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 99 plays 0  

old Labyrinths of Sheffield II

Second piece from the Labyrinths of Sheffield From File: labyrinths not really but same night - gm live take 22 may 18

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From  Graham McElearney 1 likes 58 plays 0  

old Labyrinths of Sheffield I

First piece for the Labyrinths of Sheffield FOTM project from file: labyrinths crit vib bowls 1 v2 august 27th 2018

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From  Graham McElearney 1 likes 128 plays 0