Search for tag: "kaltura media"

A case study on how to enhance student and staff experience of feedback using Kaltura Media - Gareth Bramley and Kate Campbell-Pilling

In this case study, Gareth Bramley and Kate Campbell-Pilling show how both the student and staff feedback experience can be enhanced through the use of Kaltura Media, particularly through the use of…

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 1 likes 133 plays 0  

Kaltura Pilot Feedback: Journalism Studies - Matt Robson and Hadrian Cawthorne

Matt Robson and Hadrian Cawthorne from Journalism Studies give their feedback on Kaltura Media, particularly on creating new media resources.

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 1 likes 66 plays 0  

Kaltura Pilot Feedback: Architecture - Aidan Hoggard

Aidan Hoggard from the Department of Architecture presents feedback from the Kaltura Media pilot, focusing on providing video feedback on student assignments.

From  Technology Enhanced Learning 0 likes 80 plays 0