Search for tag: "entropy"

11e Some more equations with entropy

I take the first and second laws of…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 2 plays 0  

11c Basic equations for entropy.

Based on the reversibilities and…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 6 plays 0  

11b Introduction to the second law 2

Here I describe what is hapenning in the two…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 588 plays 0  

11a Introduction to the second law

Here I show a series of irreversible processes. I…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 646 plays 0  

11b Reversibilities and irreversibilities

Here I show some reversible processes and show…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 427 plays 0  

11a Introduction to the Second law of Thermodynamics

Here I introduce reversibilities and…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 13 plays 0  

11c Efficiencies and the T-s diagram

Here I introduce the concept of efficiency. I…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 153 plays 0  

11e Equations for entropy

Here I introduce T-s diagrams and equations for…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 89 plays 0  

11c Second law processes and the T-s diagram

Here I introduce the T-s diagram for ideal…

+3 More
From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,328 plays 0  

12f Heat exchangers

I introduce heat exchangers. Then I look at the…

+2 More
From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 276 plays 0  

12e Throttle valves, enthalpy and entropy

We look at the throttle valve,, which is a…

+4 More
From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,048 plays 0  

12b Turbines and compressors and the second law

Here we learn about how to deal with both ideal…

+4 More
From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 1,208 plays 0