Search for tag: "drugs funding"

An Introduction to Clinical Trials

When undertaking a Health Technology Assessment at ScHARR, there will often be a need for at least one clinical trial to provide evidence of the effectiveness of a new treatment. In this video, we…

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How Does the Media Report on NICE Decisions?

In this video Allan Wailoo, Professor of Health Economics and Director of NICE Decision Support Unit and Mark Strong, Director of the Public Health Section at ScHARR, give their insights on how the…

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An Introduction to Economic Evaluation

Economic evaluation is fundamental to both HTA and to decision making in healthcare. In this video, Professor Simon Dixon explains what economic evaluation is (and what it isn’t) and how this…

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Reviews and Reviewers

In this video, expert reviewers based at ScHARR take us through the review process and what it contributes to HTA. We’ll hear from: - Chris Carroll, Reader in Health Technology Assessment -…

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The Role of Modelling

As a part of the economic evaluation, mathematical modelling can be used to give a broader picture of the longer-term benefits of a treatment. In this video, Professor Alan Brennan explains how…

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Bringing the Data Together

In this video Dr Emma Hock, Research Associate in Systematic Reviewing and Evidence Synthesis at ScHARR, takes us through how the evidence is brought together in a systematic review. Here,…

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Health Technology Assessment (trailer)

Find out how new drugs and treatments are assessed before being introduced in this free online course from the University of Sheffield

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How Do NICE Apply HTA Techniques?

In England and Wales, The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) make recommendations to the government about which drugs and treatments to fund. Professor Simon Dixon sits on one…

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What is HTA?

This playlist is all about HTA - but what exactly does this mean? In this animated video, Claire introduces us to the core activities and aims of HTA.

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The Key Stages of HTA

In this video, Professor Simon Dixon, Director of Health Economics and Decision Science at the University of Sheffield, introduces the eight key stages of a health technology assessment.

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