The Core Essentials framework provides a foundation for how we use digital technologies to ensure students receive a first-class digital education experience on their programmes.Get a summary of the…
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L1 design and build a model glider during Intro Week.
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Aerospace Engineering
An introduction to springs - different types and their uses, and how to select them.
A look at bearing selection and lifetime calculations. Apologies that the slides on variable loads and multiple bearings got out of sync in the middle - use the PDF to clarify if necessary.
A basic introduction to bearings and their applications.
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Mechanical Engineering
This video explains how to use Pugh's Product Design Selection method to ensure all the relevant factors are considered when specifying a product for design.
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Faculty of Engineering
This video gives more detail on the MEC333 wheelie bin project, reiterating some of the information in the module overview document and on Make: Projects.
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Faculty of Engineering
This video gives a brief overview of the module - it's structure and purpose.
This video explains how the machine elements selection part of the module works.
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Faculty of Engineering
How to reinitialise the flow, advice on producing nice polars and finding stall point
Plotting boundary layer info, saving airfoil geom and cp plots, skin friction vs pressure drag
Saving and comparing the polars of two airfoils. Running to a prescribed Cl for quick airfoil comparison
Changing panel number, running sequence of alphas, polar accumulation, saving polars to PC and creating a basic plot.
Specifying a NACA airfoil, running inviscid and viscous at a certain alpha, changing window size
This video describes how to download and install XFOIL on a PC.
Design Trials and Statistics (DTS)DTS is one of four academic groups within the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) at the University of Sheffield. The other groups are Health Economics…
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Health and Related Research (ScHARR)