Examples of why materials cause adverse reactions and leads into how these should be monitored.
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Clinical Dentistry
Mostly reviews the legal regulation of sale and use of dental materials, with a historic focus on Europe.
A review of ceramics used for indirect restorations
A brief revision note on how advanced manufacturing techniques can be applied to making indirect restorations.
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Clinical Dentistry
Describes how resins are used in the manufacture of removable prosthodotics. Also comments on how the use of advanced manufacturing techniques relates to the materials and process.
Relates the basic materials to their usage in clinical orthodontics.
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Clinical Dentistry
Reviews the various materials used for dies and models in dental technology. Considers their critical properties in relation to function.
This lecture introduces the chemistry of glass ionomer cements and how this affects their clinical use. The session compares the GIC to composite materials and outlines how manufacturers have…
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Clinical Dentistry
How to appraise evidence about the risk associated with materials.
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Clinical Dentistry
How can you evaluate the risks of using a new material or technology?
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Clinical Dentistry
Advanced manufacturing and related technologies in dentistry
Reviews the evolution of dental composite resins and shows how their performance has been improved by progressive change of the constituents
Describes key properties of dental resin composites and how these result from their strcuture and chemistry
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Clinical Dentistry
A review of the mechanisms by which dental materials can be adhered to dentine
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Clinical Dentistry
Outlines how it is possible to adhere to dental enamel and the nature of the materials used
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Clinical Dentistry
An introduction to mechanisms of adhesion
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Clinical Dentistry