Search for tag: "bodc"

Tooth Tissue Loss

Tooth Tissue Loss, Mr H Wilkes

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From  Imogen Ambaum 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Indications for use and hazards of dental amalgam - Quiz

...after some discussion I suggest that there aren't all that many indications nowadays!

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 107 plays 0  

Upper incisor access cavity

Upper incisor access cavity

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From  Imogen Ambaum 0 likes 395 plays 0  

Complete RCT procedure

Complete RCT procedure

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From  Imogen Ambaum 0 likes 424 plays 0  

Endodontic inter-appointment dressing

Endodontic inter-appointment dressing

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From  Imogen Ambaum 0 likes 293 plays 0  

Clinical classification and presentation of pulp and periapical disease

Clinical classification and presentation of pulp and periapical disease

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From  Imogen Ambaum 0 likes 659 plays 0  

Retaining large amalgam restorations - Quiz

An overview of how we can improve retention of our restorations even if we intend to use an adhesive material.

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 253 plays 0  

Indications for use and hazards of dental amalgam - Quiz

...after some discussion I suggest that there aren't all that many indications nowadays!

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 352 plays 0  

Key Concepts of Cavity Design - Quiz

An outline of the concepts underlying why cavities are a traditional part of operative dentistry. Will cavities be prepared so frequently (or extensively) in the future?

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 721 plays 0  

Complaints - Quiz

Avoiding, managing and resolving complaints

From  Emma Gibson 0 likes 537 plays 0  

Indications for use and hazards of dental amalgam

More than suggested by the title as I argue that perhaps there are very few reasons to place amalgam nowadays!

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 188 plays 0  

Retaining Large (amalgam) Restorations

A resume of techniques to improver retention of restorations when a lot of tooth tissue has been lost. Applicable to adhesive restorations too!

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 187 plays 0  

Key Concepts of Cavity Design

An outline of the concepts underlying why cavities are a traditional part of operative dentistry. Will cavities be prepared so frequently (or extensively) in the future?

From  Adrian Jowett 3 likes 268 plays 0  

Martin Parsons - Fluoride Application Protocol

Fluoride Application Protocol DH&DT PCSII BODC BCS by Martin Parsons

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From  Imogen Ambaum 0 likes 837 plays 0  

Titanium mesh trauma splint

Titanium mesh trauma splint Fiona Gilchrist, Helen Rodd, Adrian Jowett

From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 126 plays 0  

Preformed metal crown

Preformed metal crown Suzi Carew-O'Donell, Fiona Gilchrist, Adrian Jowett BODC Pre-Clinical Skills II 2nd BDS 1st DH&DT

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From  Adrian Jowett 0 likes 48 plays 0