This short video by three of our international students is intended as a revision aid for part of the Week 4 content on liver anatomy in the Anatomy module (BMS246).
Specifically, it covers the week 4 learning objectives 1-3 and part of the 5th objective, from a list of 7 objectives.
However, to give a fuller review of the liver anatomy, some extra contents, for example, liver innervations (sympathetic and parasympathetic pathway) and liver functions are also included.
Learning objectives (Week 4):
1 Appreciate the location of the liver within the abdomen and its immediate relation
2 Recognise the lobes of the liver and the major vessels entering and leaving it
3 Describe the gall bladder and the biliary tract and be able to locate and trace the route of the common bile duct
5 Trace and describe the blood supply to liver, stomach, pancreas and spleen (partially covered).
Video made by: Zining Zhu, Hoi Chan, Wing Yip