24:43duration 24 minutes 43 seconds
Taster Day 2022 Social Network Analysis…
Taster Day 2022 Social Network Analysis (25/01/22) WRDTP: AQM
Session on Social Network Analysis at the WRDTP…
01:49:07duration 1 hour 49 minutes
Social Network Analysis on Social Media Platforms…
Social Network Analysis on Social Media Platforms (11/02/21) WRDTP: DCA
Joint WRDTP and UoSPGR training session on Social…
24:06duration 24 minutes 6 seconds
Taster Day - Neema Dean on Social Network…
Taster Day - Neema Dean on Social Network Analysis (22/01/2019) WRDTP: AQM
Neema Dean on Social Network Analysis The White…