Search for tag: "ref"

Message from our Vice-President for Research

Professor Sue Hartley, Vice-President for Research, discusses how our research is changing lives and shares a message of thanks to everyone who supports our research endeavour.

From  Harry Clulow 0 likes 263 plays 0  

Research excellence and impact at the University of Sheffield

Learn about some examples of research excellence and impact at the University of Sheffield.

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From  Harry Clulow 0 likes 931 plays 0  

Jacky Marsh REF Impact Case study v1

This is a quick rough edit - well actually the main question about research from Jackie Marsh's FOTM interview

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From  Graham McElearney 0 likes 58 plays 2  

Carmen O'Dell and Kate O'Neill - Open Access

Carmen O'Dell and Kate O'Neill from the University Library talk about Open Access research and publications as part of the Bite Size Guide to Research in the 21st Century series hosted by…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 75 plays 0