Search for tag: "prom"

Who Should Value Child Outcomes?

In this video, Professor Julie Ratcliffe from Flinders University, Australia, and Dr Tessa Peasgood from the University of Sheffield debate who should value child health outcomes. Julie Ratcliffe is…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 110 plays 0  

Valuing Health States in Practice

There are several different techniques available for valuing health states. In this video, Katherine introduces you to one of these techniques; the time trade off (TTO) method. You will see…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 249 plays 0  

Using QALY Information in Decision Making

In this video, Katherine explains how QALY information is used in healthcare decision-making and we hear from Professor Simon Dixon, Director of Health Economics and Decision Science at the…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 394 plays 1  

Case Study of a Child Utility Measure: The CHU9D

In this video, Katherine considers some of the key issues around measuring and valuing health outcomes in children, and introduces us to the Child Health Utility 9D (CHU9D), a utility measure that…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 87 plays 0  

Case Study of a Utility Measure: The SF-6D

In this video, we hear from Professor John Brazier who has developed a preference based classification for describing health using the SF-36; one of the most widely used measures of general health in…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 225 plays 0  

What is a QALY?

In this video, Katherine demonstrates how to calculate Quality Adjusted Life Years or QALYs; a unit of benefit that can be used to assess the extent of the benefits gained from a variety of…

From  Online Learning 1 likes 885 plays 0  

Developing a PROM

In this video, Katherine talks us through some of the different methods that can be used to develop a PROM. When you have finished watching the video, read the text below to find out more about each…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 128 plays 0  

A Condition Specific PROM: The EPAQ

In this video, we visit the Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield to take a look at a condition specific PROM, the electronic personal assessment questionnaire (ePAQ), which is used to assess…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 106 plays 0  

The Challenge of Creating a Generic Measure of HRQOL

In this video, Dr Katherine Linehan invites you to watch a video of people going about their daily lives. As you watch the video, we’d like you to consider how might different conditions impact…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 60 plays 0  

Measuring and Valuing Health (trailer)

Learn how Patient Reported Outcome Measures and Quality Adjusted Life Years can compare treatments and inform healthcare spending in this free online course from the University of Sheffield.…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 96 plays 0