Search for tag: "evidence"

Dr Kate Ren - Evidence synthesis with limited studies: using external information to help estimating the between-study heterogeneity

Abstract In evidence synthesis using meta-analysis or network meta-analysis, researchers commonly encounter between-study heterogeneity, which may arise from the differences in the conduct of the…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 25 plays 0  

ScHARR Short Course - Instant Evidence Based Medicine: How to Quickly Synthesise Research

This course will introduce participants to the concept of research synthesis and explore simple ways to rapidly bring evidence together to inform decision making. During the day we will undertake a…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 27 plays 0  

ScHARR Short Course - The Identification and Review of Evidence to Inform Cost Effectiveness Models

The course will enable participants to develop an understanding of the methods available for the identification and review of evidence to inform cost effectiveness models. The course will consist of…

From  Andy Tattersall 0 likes 24 plays 0  

Dr Angela Gallop interview: Forensic Science

Dr. Angela Gallop, an honorary graduate of The University of Sheffield and highly influential in the world of forensic evidence talks about the role of evidence and forensic science in criminal cases.

From  Online Learning 0 likes 661 plays 0  

Solving The Coastal Path Murders Using Forensic Evidence

Dr Angela Gallop, CBE, is an honorary graduate of The University of Sheffield and highly influential in the world of forensic Science. In this interview, Dr Gallop tells us the story of how she took…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 194 plays 0