46:48duration 46 minutes 48 seconds
Dr Kate Ren - Evidence synthesis with limited…
Dr Kate Ren - Evidence synthesis with limited studies: using external information to help estimating the between-study heterogeneity
Abstract In evidence synthesis using…
03:12duration 3 minutes 12 seconds
ScHARR Short Course - Instant Evidence Based…
ScHARR Short Course - Instant Evidence Based Medicine: How to Quickly Synthesise Research
This course will introduce participants to the…
03:01duration 3 minutes 1 second
ScHARR Short Course - The Identification and…
ScHARR Short Course - The Identification and Review of Evidence to Inform Cost Effectiveness Models
The course will enable participants to develop an…
06:05duration 6 minutes 5 seconds
Dr Angela Gallop interview: Forensic Science
Dr. Angela Gallop, an honorary graduate of The…
12:39duration 12 minutes 39 seconds
Solving The Coastal Path Murders Using Forensic…
Solving The Coastal Path Murders Using Forensic Evidence
Dr Angela Gallop, CBE, is an honorary graduate of…