Search for tag: "east asian"

The Value of an Arts and Humanities degree

The evidence of the value of Arts and Humanities degrees is compelling.Here at the University of Sheffield, we are highlighting how our highly skilled graduates are equipped to tackle current issues…

From  Lily Abram 0 likes 19 plays 0  

Korean Studies, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield

With a complicated history and thriving cultural scene, Korea is a fascinating country to study. Our Korean Studies course will develop both your Korean language skills and your understanding of…

From  Harrison Kasperowicz 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Chinese Studies, School of East Asian Studies, University of Sheffield

One of the world's greatest powers with the fastest growing economy, China is a fascinating country to study. Our Chinese Studies course will develop both your Chinese language skills and your…

From  Harrison Kasperowicz 0 likes 6 plays 0  

"We know you better than you know yourself”: China’s transnational repression of the Uyghur diaspora 2023

Presentation Session 2023 By David Tobin & Nyrola Elimä Read more here: “We know you better than you know yourself”: China’s transnational repression of the Uyghur diaspora…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 221 plays 0  

Why Study East Asia at Sheffield?

Hear from our students and staff about why they chose to study East Asia and what makes learning about the region at Sheffield great

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 1,316 plays 0  

Graduation 2021

Congratulations to all out students who graduated fromt he School of East Asian Studies in July 2021

+2 More
From  Mollie Shadwick 1 likes 97 plays 0  

SEAS Seminar: Affective Fan Communities, from Japan to the UK

This seminar’s discussion concerns the rituals, performances and practices of two such affective fan cultures: maid cafés and idols. Each presenter will discuss their sociological…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 51 plays 0  

Research seminar: Body cultures and masculinities in Japan

The two presentations will explore some of these concerns by examining the ways in which male bodies are groomed and fashioned to perpetuate, but also resist, normative gender discourses in…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 30 plays 0  

SEAS Research Seminar: Postage stamps as hitorical documents

By Emeritus Professor James H. Grayson In this powerpoint-based lecture, I will explore the use of semiotic analysis to the study of postage stamps. The case example will be the post-Liberation…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 24 plays 0  

SEAS Undergraduate Careers Retreat 2021

The SEAS Undergraduate Careers Retreat took place on Wednesday 24th March 2021. The event featured a presentation made specifically for SEAS students from UoS Careers Service, as well as a panel of…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 15 plays 0  

Taught Postgraduate Open Day session - 24-02-21

This is a recorded session from our Online Postgraduate open day which took place on 24th February 2021

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 22 plays 0  

An introduction to the School of East Asian Studies

A breif introduction to the School of East Asian Studies at the University of Sheffield.

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 135 plays 0  

Postgraduate graduation - message of congratulations

Well done to all of our graduating postgraduate students! We cannot celebrate as normal this year but everyone in SEAS sends a huge congratulations to all of those who graduated with a Masters or PhD…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 218 plays 0  

The “Comfort Women” Issue Japan’s Changing Stigma Management Strategy

In this research seminar presentation Dr. Kristian Hauken explores Japan’s ongoing re-configuration of diplomatic policy regarding the “comfort women” issue. By applying the…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 50 plays 0  

Critical perspectives on the “global” success of J-pop and K-pop idols

In this research seminar presentations, Dororthy Finan explores how imaginations of Japan and Korea influence the relative successes of popular cultural products, and uses this as a lens to…

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 130 plays 0  

Meet Korean Studies Alumni Ruby

Recent Korean Studies graduate Ruby talks about her current career and her experiences of studying at Korean Studies Sheffield

From  Mollie Shadwick 0 likes 191 plays 0