Search for tag: "drones"

10 billion: Research project: Drones, data and food security

Weeds represent a serious threat to global food security, contributing to significant losses in crop yields.In this video, Professor Robert Freckleton from the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences…

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What is the Future for Robots That Can Sense the World?

In this video, Owen and Jonathan discuss some of the industries that could benefit from drone technology in the near future. We’ll then hear from Noel Sharkey about some of the ways this…

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How Do Drones Sense the World?

In this video, we join Dr Jonathan Aitken and Dr Owen McAree in their Sheffield Airport hangar to find out how they have designed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) - more commonly known as a drone -…

From  Online Learning 0 likes 147 plays 0  

Responding to a Changing Environment

As well as being able to sense their environment, autonomous robots need to be able to react to it. In this video, Dr Owen McAree explains the importance of designing robots that can respond to a…

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