Search for tag: "compressor"

12d Second law examples: Compressor and Nozzle

Here I work through two examples of the effect of isentropic efficiency on devices. I use the nozzle and the compressor as examples. I show that you need to produce a system and a T-S diagram. THen…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 957 plays 0  

14a The Brayton cycle

Here I introduce an example of a power cycle. The open cycle Air, Brayton cycle. I look at the three elements and describe what happens in each one. THe I go throught a description of a rea jet…

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 681 plays 0  

10e Open system examples

Here I go through 2 examples of use of the SFEE for ideal gases. The fiart on is a turbine and the second one is an isothermal compressor. I show how to solve tese and what they mean.

From  Stephen Beck 0 likes 693 plays 0