Search for tag: "bitesize"

Exporting development experiences to a spreadsheet

This video shows students how to create a spreadsheet version of a mySkills development experience which is the format sometimes specified as part of an assignment.

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From  James Zeller 0 likes 36 plays 0  

Grouping multiple development experiences into a single pdf (Bunching)

This video will show you how you to combine multiple development experiences into one document making it easier to make one coursework submission.

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From  James Zeller 0 likes 38 plays 0  

Exporting a single mySkills development experience as a pdf

This video will show you an easy way to extract your development experience from mySkills as a pdf which is often required when submitting a development experiences as part of coursework of for a…

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From  James Zeller 0 likes 110 plays 0  

Exporting your mySkills profile as a PDF

This video will show you how to turn your mySkills profile into a PDF file which can then be emailed or printed as needed.

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From  James Zeller 0 likes 47 plays 0  

How to create a bitesize recording

How to create a bitesize recording

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From  Eltc-Td Mail Account 0 likes 25 plays 0  

Using mySkills to help you prepare for an interview

Bitesize video introducing how mySkills can help you to prepare for an interview. There are all sorts of question types that you be asked at an interview. For this video, we focus how mySkills can…

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From  Greg Stewart 0 likes 483 plays 0  

Using mySkills to help write a CV or fill out an application form

Bitesize video introducing how mySkills can help you to write a tailored CV or fill out an application form. There are all sorts of question types and formats that can be used as part of an…

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From  Greg Stewart 0 likes 992 plays 0  

Goal setting and skills development in mySkills

Bitesize video introducing how to get goal setting and developing your skills in mySkills

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From  Greg Stewart 0 likes 2,114 plays 0  

How to get started with mySkills

Bitesize videos introducing how to get started with the mySkills platform

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From  Greg Stewart 1 likes 8,081 plays 0