Here I introduce the tables of data that you'll need on this part of the course. I show the air, gas, liquids and solids tables and where they can be found in the LBoTF
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 9 Disposal Phase - Slide Pack Pages 30-31
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 10 CADMID vs Extended V-Model - Slide Pack Pages 32-36
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 8 In-Service Phase - Slide Pack Pages 28-29
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 7 Manufacture Phase - Slide Pack Pages 26-27
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 6 Demonstration Phase - Slide Pack Pages 23-25
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 5 Assessment Phase - Slide Pack Pages 19-22
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 4 Concept Phase - Slide Pack Pages 13-18
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 3 CADMID Lifecycle Introduction - Slide Pack Pages 7-12
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 2 Air System Lifecycle (Part Of!) Video - Slide Pack Page 6
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Aerospace Engineering
Section 1 Lecture Introduction and Definitions - Slide Pack Pages 1-5
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Aerospace Engineering