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Found 91 results
10 item(s) foundApril 27, 2021February 17, 2021April 14, 2021November 17, 2020September 05, 2018September 04, 2018April 08, 2020April 08, 2021November 16, 2020April 16, 2020
SCS3028 Sociology of Health & Illness: video explanation for voice over in Powerpoint
Video explanation for voice over in PowerPoint
Academics React to Reality TV
Sociologists Dr Xavier L’Hoiry, Dr Kitty Nichols and Dr Adam Carter explore what reality TV tells us
MA Social Work information session
questions about the course and the Department of Sociological Studies.
BA Digital Media & Society students TikTok compilation
their course and The University of Sheffield.
Politics student experience
Student experience video including testimonials from 2018 politics graduates looking back at their time
Context, value and skills SCS6061
Introduction from module leader Jadwiga Leigh 2018.
Men, Feminism & Gender Relations (SCS2025) - Level 2 Sociological Studies module
Dr Kitty Nichols summarises the Level 2 Sociological Studies module Men, Feminism and Gender Relations
My work placement at Walt Disney
with Walt Disney, working as a Production and Operations Intern.
MA Social Work
Smeeton, Admissions Tutor for Social Work, gives an introduction to the MA Social Work at The University of
BA (Hons) Digital Media and Society Presentation for Virtual Applicant Day 2020
Dr Ysabel Gerrard, Programme Leader for the BA (Hons) Digital Media and Society programme, delivers a