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Found 213 results
10 item(s) foundSeptember 22, 2021September 23, 2020September 03, 2020June 04, 2020April 22, 2020May 26, 2020April 26, 2017
Psychology at Sheffield - THINK UG
Matt Field, Deputy director of admissions in the Department of Psychology, gives an introduction to undergraduate
Pandemic psychology
behavioural and mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Taster Lecture - Are all psychopaths criminals?
A taster lecture from Dr Agata Debowska in the Department of Psychology
Taster lecture - How do children learn to talk?
Dr Danielle Matthews delivers a taster lecture from the department of Psychology
Psychology - Applicant Day talk
Online applicant day talk given to applicants on 22/4/20.
MSc courses in the Cognitive Neurosciences
Psychology at the University of Sheffield: - MSc Cognitive and Computational Neuroscience - MSc Cognitive
A Long Walk & Three Large Hills
Jim Uttley takes us up and over the Yorkshire Peaks in this inspiring tale of his journey in to research