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Found 32 results
10 item(s) foundOctober 23, 2023September 19, 2023January 19, 2021April 01, 2020October 15, 2019October 15, 2019May 15, 2019January 19, 2021May 22, 2018September 19, 2023
Dental treatment whilst living with dementia
An interview
with Dr Jane McKeown of the School
of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Midwifery
SLT Apprenticeship Clinical Mentor Induction Session Part 1 - Sept 2023
Covers the overview of the programme and the role of the clinical mentor
Providing placements post COVID-19 in a Paediatric Service - Heather Sherwood
SLT Practice Educator Training Day 18th January 2021 Providing placements post COVID-19 in a Paediatric Service - Heather Sherwood (Chesterfield Royal Hospital Foundation Trust)
The Respiratory System: Aspects of anatomy and physiology
Aspects of anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
Quantitative Research: Process
SNM660 Quantitative Research: Process - Dr Parveen Ali
Qualitative Research: an Introduction
SNM660 Qualitative Research: an Introduction - Dr Parveen Ali
Update on the BMedSci and MMedSci Speech and Language Therapy Programmes
Overview of the
BMedSci (Speech and Language Therapy) and MMedSci (Speech and Language Therapy)
Welcome and update from HCS - SLT Practice Educator Training Day 18th January 2021
, welcomes everyone to the 2021 Practice Educator event and gives an update from HCS.
Laura Murphy - MMed2 Student - What makes a good student placement
Laura Murphy describes her experience of a student placement on the MMedSci degree and talks about what
SLT Apprenticeship Clinical Mentor Induction Session Part 2 - Sept 2023
Part 2 of the training session for SLT Apprenticeship clinical mentors held on Sept 5th 2023.