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10 item(s) foundJune 17, 2020June 18, 2021August 20, 2021August 12, 2021September 14, 2020February 04, 2021August 23, 2021August 12, 2021
What is Engineering? Why study it?
Professor Stephen Beck, Head of Multidisciplinary Engineering Education, introduces what engineering
Heat Engine
Demonstrate non-cyclic heat engine, where the transfer of heat is used to produce work
– by lifting
Solution Calorimetry
Solution Calorimetry
experiment to investigate the enthalpy of solution of different types of salts
Enthalpies of Combustion.mp4
To calculate the enthalpy of combustion of ethanol and iso-propanol
P2 Bomb Calorimetry Video
Demonstration of bomb calorimetry and determination of enthalpy of combustion
Mixing of liquid
To measure ∆Vmix and enthalpy of mixing for a particular mixture in the
water/ethanol system
Ideal Gas Law- demonstration of Boyle’s law
Gas law experiment to demonstrate Boyle’s law and experience of changing the gas pressure in a closed system
Working With Solutions.
To make up a solution of known concentration and present this in a
range of units and calculate molarity and identify suitable indicators