Study Skills Hack created by 301 Academic Skills Centre.The Pomodoro technique helps to break down work into intervals separated by short breaks. Pomodoros are 25-minute bursts of work which keep your attention levels high and can help beat procrastination. To do a pomodoro session:
- Decide which task needs to be completed and estimate how many Pomodoros it will take.
- Set the 25-minute timer on your phone, or using a Pomodoro app or online timer.
- Work on the task until the timer goes off.
- When the time is up, take a timed 5 minute break.
- When you have done four Pomodoros in a row, you can have a longer 10 minute break.
- When you have completed the task, choose your next task, estimate how many Pomodoros it will take, and start the process over again.
By following these steps, the Pomodoro technique can help to maintain focus and break down longer tasks into manageable chunks.
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