Welcome to The University of Sheffield Library.
We're here for you.
We provide access to an extensive digital and physical collection, flexible and varied study spaces to suit all modes of working and a range of facilities over five different sites.
Wherever and whenever you need us, our Librarians are here to help and offer you the support and guidance you need to help you in your studies.
Music by Bensound (CC BY) www.bensound.com Covid-19 Update: As we expect social distancing measures to be in place for several months, we are considering a range of options for our libraries and learning spaces as part of the wider recovery planning work. Our priority is to ensure that the campus is safe for students and staff and we are continuing to monitor government guidelines and adapt as a University. While our library buildings are closed, our digital library is open for business as usual. The service has close to a million ebooks and over 60,000 journal titles along with a virtual library team and specialist librarians ready to support you.