event hosted byt the
Sheffield RSE team on 2022-02-17, featuring talks on High Performance Computing (HPC) at Sheffield and Beyond by Twin
Karmakharm and Peter Heywood, hosted by Robert Turner.
HPC at Sheffield and Beyond: Overview
Speaker: Twin Karmakharm
This talk gives an overview of what a HPC is, what it's used for, why you'd want to use it and the systems available to
Sheffield researchers and academics.
Slides: Beyond Sheffield: JADE and Bede
Speaker: Peter Heywood
Alongside the local HPC facilities at The University of Sheffield, researchers can also access regional Tier-2 HPC facilities in the UK.
This talk will describe the Tier-2 HPC systems available to TUoS researchers, why using Tier-2 HPC can be beneficial and how these systems can be accessed and used.
There will be a focus on the JADE and Bede GPU-based Tier 2 systems which TUoS is affiliated with.
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