Study Skills Hack created by 301 Academic Skills Centre.
Questions in assessments or exams can seem similar, but what they’re actually asking for can completely differ. You need to look for action verbs in the question and think about the implications for constructing a appropriate answer.
Analyse - Identify and closely examine the component parts of X (situation/model/theory)
Argue - Present a case for and/or against, acknowledging the strengths and weaknesses of both sides
Compare - Examine qualities or characteristics, emphasising similarities although differences may be mentioned.
Contrast - Stress dissimilarities, differences, or unlikeness of things, qualities, events or problems.
Explain - Focus on the ‘how and why’, emphasising the conditions which give rise to whatever you are examining.
Justify - Prove or show grounds for decisions.
Criticise - Make a judgement about the value of X and support it with evidence.
Discuss - Examine an argument, give reasons for and against, and consider its wider implications.
Review - Analyse and comment briefly in organised sequence on the major parts of the problem.
Evaluate - Present an authoritative appraisal of the advantages and limitations.
Outline - Give an organised description, presenting the information in a systematic way.
Summarise - Condense the main points/facts omitting details, illustrations and elaboration.