Study Skills Hack created by 301 Academic Skills Centre.
Identifying roles in group work can help foster productivity and help you to develop in roles you would not usually take.
- Facilitator - moderates team discussion, keeps the group on task, and distributes work.
- Recorder - takes notes summarising team discussions/decisions, and keeps all necessary records.
- Reporter - serves as group spokesperson to the class/instructor, summarising the group’s activities and/or conclusions.
- Timekeeper - keeps the group aware of time constraints/deadlines and makes sure the meeting starts on time.
- Devil’s Advocate - raises counter-arguments and constructive objections, introduces alternative explanations and solutions.
- Harmoniser - strives to create a harmonious and positive team atmosphere and reach consensus (whilst allowing a full expression of ideas).
- Prioritiser - Makes sure the group focuses on the most important issues and doesn’t get caught up in details.
- Innovator - encourages imagination and contributes new or alternative perspectives and ideas.
- Liaison - ensures that systems are in place to ensure group members can communicate.
- Wildcard - assumes the role of any missing member and fills in wherever needed.
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